Real Name:Inga Hilde
Age: Modern
Gender: Female
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 56 kg
Nationality: Swedish
Hair colour: Dark blue/black
Home: mG Colony
Occupation: pohit, later joins mG's Salvage
Identity/Background: ~~Hilde Tilde~~ is a young
Swedish pohit who joined up with mG when her
accepted mG's offer of "protection." Her first
resulted from a fateful meeting with a goofy,
gundam pilot at a spaceport who tried to escape
advances. mG has convinced her that their cause
is a
good one, so she helps them escape normalcy's
clutches. Unfortunately, she's also convinced
that she
should do anything to help her pohms and has
become a
bit of a "housewife" to them, buying their
and cooking meals. Underneath the pohmstruck
though, is one tough little cookie.
Current Mood: lesbotronic 
Current Music: "My Name is Tampon"
by Flicka from the album "Woman on Defense"