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that good ol' mountain music

you gotta have a fiddle in the band

according to cmj (so says the hideout guy), Jim & Jennie & the Pinetops are one of the five bluegrass bands you should know about. jennie also makes my list of five musical front ladies i want to kidnap (joining tammy from dressy bessy, gina from the blacks, kazu makino from blonde redhead, and tara from happy supply). what’s bluegrass? you know, it’s that old-timey, hick music with banjos, mandolins, fiddles, and stand-up bass guitars, and harsh, two-part harmony that’ll make your dog howl. this adorable five-piece was, for the most part, knee-slappingly fast and had this unbelievable ability to all start at the same time without any visible cues, counting, or fumbling. it was totally worth my eight bucks and probably a better time than being packed in with the white belts at the white stripes show. i’ll just keep telling myself that.

in fact, i’ve written my own little bluegrass song about last night’s adventures. ahem.

oh i wheeeeeeent to thu bottle for to seeeeeeee thu white stripes plaayyyyyyyyyyyy
but the shoooowwwww it was sold oooouuuuut and i wuuuuuuz turned awaayyyyyyy
so i hollered at my frieeeeeeeeend, he’s a booyyyyyyyyy i used to knoowwwwwww
i said honeyyyyyyyyyy, i’m shore thirsty, tell me wheeeeeeeeere can i gooooooooooo

he tol’ me ‘bout this bar where there was fiddlin’ an’ beer
he didn’t know just where it was since it had been a year
i said it’s either that or we go dancing at neo
but i didn’t bring my velvet dress and i’m sick of depeche mode

(banjo solo)

so i puuuuuulled up unner his windooowwww and i laaaaid on my hooooornnn
i shouted babyyyyyyyyy let’s go drinkiiiiiiiiiiiin’ until fiiiiiiiiiiiiive in the mooooooornn
now you maayyyyyyy think i’m lyiiiiiiiiiiiin’ but i aaaaaiiiiin’t that kinda kiiiiiiiiiiiiid
off we wheeeeeent in my pontiac and that’s exactlyyyyyyyyyyy what we diiiiiiiiiiiid


cutest detail: the band, whose new home is a house in the heart of pennsylvania dutch country that used to be a brothel, is touring the country in the cutest little old truck camper. ok, that’s really two, i know.

requests honored: two. one for a song called ‘rabbit in the log’ which the requestor for some reason thought was called ‘rabbit in the hole,’ and my friend’s request that they play ‘one of their own.’ countless requests for ‘rocky top’ were denied, until finally the requestor was asked very loudly by a fellow audience member to shut up with the ‘rocky top’ already.

by badweatherfriend, July 9, 2001