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tyny's blog | pohitri bi hilde~ | cows & other art | badweatherock reviews | chicago scene | about mG | links we like
what is a mutaGenesis?

putting the ‘sis’ in ‘genesis’ since april 2001.

mutaGenesis is the act of making art out of nature using technology. it is the warping of traditional values as found in ancient texts. it is the washing of a red sock in a load of white laundry. is an ezine devoted to exploring the properties of art as world-changing, and the properties of the world as art objects. we publish poetry, electronic art, live music reviews, a weblog devoted to art, culture, and gender issues, and a calendar of related events for mainly the chicago area. there are no issues or editions, we simply post when we have something new to share. check tyny's blog for updates.

mG roll call

tynyK: editrix and blogmistress. she keeps track of this unruly crew, and does most of their ironing. at night she can be found spinning cds for crowds of unappreciative, drunken phish-heads as dj tynyK. email tyny to contribute links, promote your site, or volunteer for mG duty. [yahoo! messenger: sparckitus]

hilde tilde: resident pohit and svedish hotti. she debuted on the scene with her occasional piece 'gay-la' and went on to forge her own brand of terse, observational pohitri which is published exclusively on this site. email hilde with poetry, critiques, and braid fetish photos. [yahoo! messenger: hilde6969]

BeSsIe: just a down-home, rockabilly gurl let loose with a mouse and a copy of photoshop. so far her subjects have included farm animals, diet programs, and her patriotic duty to spend conspicuously. email BeSsIe to use mG's eDiots parody banners or to link to mG from your site. [yahoo! messenger: avantbessie]

badweatherfriend: rock genius and troublemaker. she provides occasional and varied reviews of live shows, and does a lot of pouting. she is a muse to several indie rockers and a couple of psychopaths. email bwf to contribute show or album reviews or to offer her promo merch. [yahoo! messenger: badweatherfriend]

digdeeperdown: producer and revolutionary's apprentice. she does the typing and goes out for iced tea and is secretly taking over the whole organization from the inside. i mean, no she's not. email triple-d with contributions to the events calendar for chicago and beyond, or to set her up with your cute sister. [yahoo! messenger: digdeeperdown]

vanhelga: hilde's literary agent, publicist, and ‘nanni.' she gives old-fashioned advice from her armchair and supervises slumber parties. email vanhelga for a good tongue-lashing in broken english. [yahoo! messenger: hanvelga]

Copyright 2001 If you can find anything on this page worth stealing, please don't do it.