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bare jr. with danny black

several beers later

BARE JR. with Danny Black's Healthy White Baby - Friday, January 11 - Schuba's, Chicago

bwf (shouting): you know, this sounds just like the blacks but without that gorgeous stand-up bass and those gorgeous female vocals and that gorgeous tall blond behind them. no way, he’s even doing a blacks song. that’s so not fair. mm, but it’s still so dancey. dance dance dance. where is she anyway? gina. she should be here. i wanna say hi. mm, she’s tall. i heard it was ugly, the break-up. i bet he’s a jerk to work with. i mean, look at him. hey, he’s kinda cute. never really noticed danny before; too busy watching gina. whoever that guy is who writes the schuba’s updates hinted something about “baggage.” that guy can’t write. he said, more focus and less baggage. whatever. i’m sick of dicks running the music industry. god my toes hurt. how far did we walk to get here? there’s nothing wrong with these boots, they’re just not made for hiking is all. do you like my morning jacket? really? no one seems to have ever heard of them. they’re ok. they’re from tennessee. goat rock. that’s what i call this kinda music. cuz it’s like you can just see the goat on the front porch, chewing holes in somebody’s suede jacket and licking empty whiskey bottles. can’t you just see the goat? what’s this bare jr. like anyway? oh, lookit ‘em, they’re jewish. well they have fuzzy heads. can jews play goat rock? ack, they’re too loud to be jewish. what are they saying? “why don’t you what?” crap let’s get out of here. what the hell was that? some kinda nirvana/rage wannabe wanking. if that was whiskey rock, it must’ve been crown royal. did that fuzzy headed sweaty man just say “why don’t you f**k me?” i’d rather be at jake’s getting hit on by frat boys. wait, let me just steal this poster first. it’s the handsome family. isn’t it pretty? there’s trees on it. here, stand in front of me so the door guy can’t see. don't worry, we'll post the show on the calendar. give and take. ok i’m ready to hobble to the bus.

copyright 2002 mutaGenesis. thanks in part to several pints of bass ale. graphic, as always, by our own sweet BeSsIe, whom i've just discovered is japanese. who knew??